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Bag of Shite and 63 gold pieces
Soulcatcher is a Dungeon Master of Manic Menagerie.

Soulcatcher - Level 2 Hunter

To browse the adventure histories, you must upgrade to a gold account.

Saturday th 3rd of November 2007

Soulcatcher earned 5XP for Discarding the discards

2007-11-03 11:16:20

Soulcatcher earned 5XP and 9 gold for Repair the broken goods (half normal XP)

"Repairing the hilt of a dagger"
2007-11-03 11:15:19

Soulcatcher earned 10XP and 8 gold for Repair the broken goods

2007-11-03 11:14:35

Soulcatcher earned 30XP and 7 gold for Gross Kitchen Duty

2007-11-03 11:09:39

Soulcatcher earned 40XP and 6 gold for Emptying the Ice House

2007-11-03 11:09:13

Soulcatcher earned 5XP and 2 gold for Cleanup, Aisle 5

2007-11-03 11:08:05

Soulcatcher earned 5XP and 1 gold for Discarding the discards

"Claiming this for upstairs trash actually"
2007-11-03 11:07:37

Soulcatcher earned 10XP, 1 gold and a Bag of Shite for Beast Training (the day before)

2007-11-03 11:06:45

Soulcatcher earned 15XP and 3 gold for Cleaning out the coal

2007-11-03 11:06:12

Soulcatcher earned 20XP and 2 gold for Whipping the dishbot part two

2007-11-03 11:05:22

Soulcatcher earned 20XP and 2 gold for Whipping the dishbot part one

2007-11-03 11:05:10

Tuesday th 30th of October 2007

Soulcatcher earned 5XP and 1 gold for Discarding the discards

2007-10-30 06:15:46

Monday th 29th of October 2007

Soulcatcher earned 5XP and 1 gold for Message for you Sir!

2007-10-29 19:36:57

Sunday th 28th of October 2007

Soulcatcher earned 10XP and 3 gold for Whipping the dishbot part one (half normal XP)

2007-10-28 18:45:29

Soulcatcher earned 10XP and 2 gold for Mucking about

2007-10-28 18:44:57

Soulcatcher earned 10XP and 1 gold for Mucking about

2007-10-28 18:42:24

Soulcatcher earned 30XP and 6 gold for Breaking the Fast

2007-10-28 07:34:57

Soulcatcher earned 5XP and 1 gold for Cleanup, Aisle 5

2007-10-28 07:34:37

Saturday th 27th of October 2007

Soulcatcher earned 5XP and 2 gold for Cleanup, Aisle 5

"Fitzy left me a urine puddle, woo-hoo!"
2007-10-27 21:35:49

Soulcatcher earned 30XP and 6 gold for Breaking the Fast

2007-10-27 19:39:44

Soulcatcher earned 5XP for Discarding the discards

2007-10-27 18:56:05

Soulcatcher earned 20XP and 4 gold for Whipping the dishbot part one

2007-10-27 18:22:18

Soulcatcher earned 10XP and 3 gold for Whipping the dishbot part two (half normal XP)

2007-10-27 18:22:00