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Gold Account


Medallion of Good Playership, Perfect Cast-on Award, Vial of Longevity, Crown What Says "Weird Fiber Lady", Ring of New Color Combinations, Certificate of Guilt Free Stash Enhancement, Crown of Kindness, Tome of Perseverance, Barberpole of Love, Needles Of Dude! I SO Forgot I Bought This-ness, +10 Charm of SS Motivation, Magi Gift of Sweater Fittingness, Knitting Soulmate and 522 gold pieces
Crafty Girly is an Apprentice of Lime and Violet YARN RAIDERS.

Crafty Girly - Level 10 Paladin

To browse the adventure histories, you must upgrade to a gold account.

Friday th 9th of January 2009

Crafty Girly earned 5XP and 2 gold for KCS - posting to a fiberblog with pictures

"Random entry."
2009-01-09 12:37:58

Crafty Girly earned 20XP and 12 gold for KCS - working for an Hour (the day before)

"finished Baby Kimono"
2009-01-09 12:36:58

Thursday th 8th of January 2009

Crafty Girly earned 40XP and 1 gold for S - 4 oz. Modifier Points (double XP) (6 days previously)

"I finished TWO 4 oz projects!"
2009-01-08 09:37:04

Crafty Girly earned 10XP and 4 gold for KCS - attending a stitch n' bitch (7 days previously)

"For the first time in a while, because school takes up all my time. =("
2009-01-08 09:36:11

Crafty Girly earned 50XP and 5 gold for K - completing the first sock of a pair (6 days previously)

"Finished first Lenore"
2009-01-08 09:35:29

Crafty Girly earned 5XP and 2 gold for KCS - posting to a fiberblog with pictures (3 days previously)

"Woo Hoo!"
2009-01-08 09:34:57

Crafty Girly earned 50XP and 6 gold for KCS - completing a misc project (6 days previously)

"Finished wrist warmers!"
2009-01-08 09:34:15

Crafty Girly earned 50XP and 6 gold for KCS - completing a misc project (6 days previously)

"Abby is Done!"
2009-01-08 09:33:27

Crafty Girly earned 2XP and 1 gold for KC-casting on a new project (5 days previously)

"Baby Knitting!!! Baby Kimono for Melissa."
2009-01-08 09:32:53

Crafty Girly earned 10XP and 4 gold for KCS - organizing related supplies (7 days previously)

"New knitting bag requires organizing stuff!"
2009-01-08 09:32:09

Monday th 7th of April 2008

Crafty Girly earned 5XP and 1 gold for KCS - posting to a fiberblog with pictures

" Check it! Posted about Stitch n' Pitch Miami and new fiber I just plied."
2008-04-07 09:58:20

Crafty Girly earned 5XP and 2 gold for S - predrafting new fiber (3 days previously)

"predrafted Neopolitan"
2008-04-07 09:57:33

Crafty Girly earned 5XP and 2 gold for S - plying modifier (the day before)

"Finished Navajo plying 4 oz of Neopolitan"
2008-04-07 09:56:55

Crafty Girly earned 10XP and 4 gold for KCS - attending a stitch n' bitch (the day before)

"Stitch n' Bitch @ Stitch n' Pitch!"
2008-04-07 09:56:02

Crafty Girly earned 4XP and 2 gold for KCS - knitting (etc) in public! (double XP) (the day before)

"Went to Stitch n' Pitch Miami and we came out on Jumbotron FOUR TIMES! I think that deserved double xp."
2008-04-07 09:47:51

Saturday th 29th of March 2008

Crafty Girly earned 20XP and 6 gold for KCS - working for an Hour

2008-03-29 21:57:52

Crafty Girly earned 20XP and 9 gold for S - learning a new skill

2008-03-29 21:57:33

Crafty Girly earned 5XP and 1 gold for S - predrafting new fiber

2008-03-29 21:56:34

Thursday th 27th of March 2008

Crafty Girly earned 2XP and 1 gold for KCS - knitting (etc) in public! (the day before)

2008-03-27 06:31:35

Crafty Girly earned 20XP and 10 gold for KCS - working for an Hour

2008-03-27 06:31:21

Wednesday th 26th of March 2008

Crafty Girly earned 20XP and 8 gold for KCS - working for an Hour

2008-03-26 07:01:43

Tuesday th 25th of March 2008

Crafty Girly earned 5XP and 2 gold for KCS - posting to a fiberblog with pictures (the day before)

"! Check it!"
2008-03-25 06:30:54

Crafty Girly earned 20XP and 9 gold for KCS - working for an Hour (the day before)

2008-03-25 06:29:45

Crafty Girly earned 20XP and 6 gold for KCS - working for an Hour

2008-03-25 06:29:02

Crafty Girly earned 10XP, 5 gold and a Knitting Soulmate for KCS - attending a stitch n' bitch

"Finally made it out despite my car still being at the mechanics and having to take the gas guzzling vehicle from hell"
2008-03-25 06:26:46

Monday th 24th of March 2008

Crafty Girly earned 5XP and 2 gold for S - predrafting new fiber (the day before)

2008-03-24 07:00:45

Crafty Girly earned 20XP and 12 gold for S - completing enough for a project (2 days previously)

2008-03-24 07:00:35

Crafty Girly earned 20XP and 11 gold for KCS - working for an Hour (4 days previously)

2008-03-24 07:00:19

Crafty Girly earned 20XP and 11 gold for KCS - working for an Hour (3 days previously)

2008-03-24 06:59:59

Crafty Girly earned 20XP and 4 gold for KCS - working for an Hour (2 days previously)

2008-03-24 06:59:42

Crafty Girly earned 20XP and 6 gold for KCS - working for an Hour (the day before)

2008-03-24 06:59:28

Wednesday th 19th of March 2008

Crafty Girly earned 50XP and 13 gold for KC - Designing a Pattern (4 days previously)

"Jillian Dress....still working on it though."
2008-03-19 09:03:09

Crafty Girly earned 20XP and 7 gold for KCS - working for an Hour (the day before)

"Spin, spin, spin!"
2008-03-19 08:38:04

Crafty Girly earned 2XP and 2 gold for KCS - knitting (etc) in public! (the day before)

"while waiting to get my head examined (sinus' xrayed)."
2008-03-19 08:37:16

Crafty Girly earned 20XP and 3 gold for S - Trying a New Fiber (2 days previously)

"Gave Superwash Merino a try"
2008-03-19 08:19:01

Sunday th 16th of March 2008

Crafty Girly earned 40XP and 11 gold for KCS - working for an Hour (double XP)

"Been working for a lot longer then just an hour."
2008-03-16 13:44:55

Crafty Girly earned 40XP and 11 gold for KCS - working for an Hour (double XP) (the day before)

"Worked for more than an hour!"
2008-03-16 13:44:04

Crafty Girly earned 2XP and 1 gold for KCS - knitting (etc) in public! (2 days previously)

2008-03-16 13:43:48

Crafty Girly earned 2XP and 2 gold for KCS - knitting (etc) in public! (the day before)

2008-03-16 13:43:33

Crafty Girly earned 2XP and 1 gold for KCS - knitting (etc) in public!

2008-03-16 13:43:15

Crafty Girly earned 30XP and 6 gold for D - Dyeing for One Hour (3 days previously)

2008-03-16 13:42:53

Crafty Girly earned 20XP and 4 gold for KCS - working for an Hour (2 days previously)

2008-03-16 13:42:22