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Medallion of Good Playership, Tome of Perseverance, Crown What Says "Weird Fiber Lady", Golden Row Counter, Fairy-Boon of Fibery Endurance, Sceptre of Fiberblogginess, Certificate of Guilt Free Stash Enhancement, Armor of Renewed Stash Love, Goblet of Nasal Douche, Perfect Cast-on Award, Gift Certificate of Guilt-Free Yarnage and 474 gold pieces
firespinner is an Apprentice of Lime and Violet YARN RAIDERS.

firespinner - Level 12 Shaman

Saturday th 14th of June 2008

firespinner earned 100XP and 11 gold for KCS - completing a UFO MORE than a year old (5 days previously)

"Sweetheart Sweater"
2008-06-14 11:22:24

firespinner earned 50XP, 7 gold and a Gift Certificate of Guilt-Free Yarnage for KCS - completing a misc project (2 days previously)

"baby booties"
2008-06-14 11:21:27

firespinner earned 2XP and 1 gold for KC-casting on a new project (2 days previously)

"baby booties"
2008-06-14 11:21:09

firespinner earned 50XP and 5 gold for K - completing the first sock of a pair (2 days previously)

"Entangled Socks"
2008-06-14 11:20:22

Wednesday th 19th of March 2008

firespinner earned 4XP and 2 gold for KCS - listening to Lime and Violet (double XP)

"53 and 54"
2008-03-19 17:59:50

Saturday th 26th of January 2008

firespinner earned 5XP and 8 gold for KCS - resisting the yarny calling

"L&V Audrey Hepburn"
2008-01-26 13:47:51

Saturday th 19th of January 2008

firespinner earned 40XP and 7 gold for KCS - working for an Hour (double XP) (the day before)

"baby blanketing for two hours last night"
2008-01-19 18:11:50

Monday th 14th of January 2008

firespinner earned 50XP and 5 gold for K - completing the first sock of a pair (4 days previously)

"Edward socks"
2008-01-14 19:01:28

firespinner earned 2XP, 1 gold and a Perfect Cast-on Award for KC-casting on a new project (7 days previously)

"Edward socks"
2008-01-14 19:01:14

firespinner earned 100XP and 10 gold for K - completing the second sock of a pair (7 days previously)

"finished Phineas for dad"
2008-01-14 19:00:34

firespinner earned 2XP and 1 gold for KC-casting on a new project

"dan's baby blanket"
2008-01-14 18:59:54

Sunday th 23rd of December 2007

firespinner earned 40XP and 10 gold for KCS - working for an Hour (double XP)

"must finish Phineas by x-mas"
2007-12-23 14:20:23

Saturday th 22nd of December 2007

firespinner earned 10XP and 1 gold for KCS - stash enhancment acquisitioning (double XP)

"today at fiber loft and two days ago at graceful stitches"
2007-12-22 21:04:54

firespinner earned 2XP and 1 gold for KCS - listening to Lime and Violet

"ep 49"
2007-12-22 21:03:50

firespinner earned 2XP, 5 gold and a Goblet of Nasal Douche for KCS - listening to Lime and Violet (the day before)

2007-12-22 21:02:46

firespinner earned 50XP and 7 gold for KCS - completing a misc project (the day before)

"carleys hat"
2007-12-22 21:01:23

firespinner earned 50XP and 6 gold for KCS - completing a misc project

"li's hat"
2007-12-22 21:00:43

firespinner earned 4XP and 1 gold for KC-casting on a new project (double XP) (the day before)

"one hat for li and one hat for carley"
2007-12-22 20:59:32

firespinner earned 5XP and 1 gold for KC - rolling all project skeins into balls

2007-12-22 20:59:08

firespinner earned 2XP, 1 gold and an Armor of Renewed Stash Love for KC - photographing 5 items of stash for ravelry

2007-12-22 20:58:37

firespinner earned 50XP and 5 gold for K - completing the first sock of a pair

2007-12-22 20:57:44

Friday th 28th of September 2007

firespinner earned 7XP and 1 gold for KC - rolling all project skeins into balls (half-again XP)

"laceweight, no swift so the ball winder wouldn't work.... 'nuff said"
2007-09-28 23:33:21

firespinner earned 2XP and 4 gold for KCS - listening to Lime and Violet

"oops, forgot to claim the Scout one"
2007-09-28 23:32:51

Tuesday th 25th of September 2007

firespinner earned 5XP and 1 gold for S - plying modifier (the day before)

"plied goblin granite!"
2007-09-25 18:15:06

firespinner earned 50XP and 1 gold for KCS - completing a UFO less than one year old (the day before)

"finished spinning 4 oz of goblin granite"
2007-09-25 18:14:18

firespinner earned 20XP and 1 gold for S - 4 oz. Modifier Points (the day before)

"finished 4 oz of goblin granite"
2007-09-25 18:13:40

firespinner earned 40XP and 6 gold for KCS - working for an Hour (double XP) (the day before)

"spinning goblin granite "
2007-09-25 18:13:00

Monday th 24th of September 2007

firespinner earned 40XP and 11 gold for KCS - working for an Hour (double XP) (the day before)

"spinning Goblin Granite"
2007-09-24 18:30:24

firespinner earned 5XP and 1 gold for S - predrafting new fiber (the day before)

"granite goblins yummyness"
2007-09-24 18:29:23