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Sword of New Project Motivationing, Vial of Longevity, Medallion of Good Playership, Completion Scroll of Minor Victories, Knitting Soulmate, Shield of KnitMojo Silver, Crown What Says "Weird Fiber Lady", Crown of Charity Knitterliness, Crown of Austere Stash, Gift Certificate of Guilt-Free Yarnage, Goblet of Nasal Douche, Golden Row Counter, Golden Ticket of Enablement, Needles Of Dude! I SO Forgot I Bought This-ness, +2 Knitting Mojo, Fairy-Boon of Fibery Endurance, Tome of Perseverance, Perfect Cast-on Award, Armor of Renewed Stash Love, Sceptre of Holy Crap That's Where That Went, Sceptre of Returned Yarnybits, Magi Gift of Sweater Fittingness and 706 gold pieces
k904 is an Apprentice of Lime and Violet YARN RAIDERS.

k904 - Level 30 Paladin

To browse the adventure histories, you must upgrade to a gold account.

Thursday th 2nd of October 2008

k904 earned 5XP and 2 gold for KC - finishing a gauge swatch (the day before)

2008-10-02 15:08:24

k904 earned 5XP and 1 gold for KCS - stash enhancment acquisitioning

"cheap Lamb's pride!!"
2008-10-02 15:07:43

k904 earned 5XP and 2 gold for KC - doing one lace repeat (3 days previously)

"completed lace sock cuff. . . "
2008-10-02 15:07:05

k904 earned 10XP and 4 gold for KCS - attending a stitch n' bitch (the day before)

2008-10-02 15:06:22

k904 earned 2XP and 3 gold for KCS - listening to Lime and Violet

"epi 72"
2008-10-02 15:05:40

Friday th 7th of March 2008

k904 earned 2XP and 1 gold for KC - photographing 5 items of stash for ravelry

2008-03-07 11:57:54

k904 earned 20XP and 10 gold for KCS - working for an Hour (the day before)

"Binary hat"
2008-03-07 11:45:18

k904 earned 20XP and 4 gold for KCS - working for an Hour (4 days previously)

2008-03-07 11:45:02

k904 earned 50XP and 5 gold for KCS - completing a misc project (the day before)

"Binary hat, hat of doom"
2008-03-07 11:44:37

k904 earned 2XP and 1 gold for KCS - knitting (etc) in public! (3 days previously)

"at gym"
2008-03-07 11:44:04

k904 earned 4XP and 2 gold for KCS - listening to Lime and Violet (double XP) (the day before)

"Epi # 53 & 54"
2008-03-07 11:42:25

Thursday th 14th of February 2008

k904 earned 40XP and 12 gold for KCS - working for an Hour (double XP) (4 days previously)

"Binary hat"
2008-02-14 08:31:15

k904 earned 40XP and 7 gold for KCS - working for an Hour (double XP) (3 days previously)

"Binary hat"
2008-02-14 08:30:49

k904 earned 40XP and 5 gold for KCS - working for an Hour (double XP) (2 days previously)

"Binary hat, balaclava"
2008-02-14 08:30:19

k904 earned 2XP and 2 gold for KCS - knitting (etc) in public! (2 days previously)

"At the pool (ds was swimming)"
2008-02-14 08:29:52

k904 earned 2XP and 1 gold for KCS - knitting (etc) in public! (the day before)

"At the gym"
2008-02-14 08:29:24

k904 earned 50XP and 7 gold for KCS - completing a misc project (2 days previously)

"Binary hat, flower cloth"
2008-02-14 08:28:43

k904 earned 4XP and 1 gold for KC-casting on a new project (double XP) (4 days previously)

"Flower cloth, Binary hat"
2008-02-14 08:28:11

k904 earned 40XP and 8 gold for KCS - working for an Hour (double XP) (the day before)

"Flower cloth, balaclava, afghan"
2008-02-14 08:27:19

k904 earned 10XP and 4 gold for KCS - attending a stitch n' bitch (the day before)

2008-02-14 08:27:06

Thursday th 7th of February 2008

k904 earned 20XP and 9 gold for KCS - working for an Hour (the day before)

2008-02-07 13:46:45

k904 earned 10XP and 3 gold for KCS - attending a stitch n' bitch (the day before)

2008-02-07 13:46:25

k904 earned 2XP and 1 gold for KC - photographing 5 items of stash for ravelry

2008-02-07 13:46:11

k904 earned 10XP, 1 gold and a Magi Gift of Sweater Fittingness for KC - finishing a gauge swatch (double XP) (the day before)

"2 more for hat, still can't get gauge $#^@"
2008-02-07 13:45:42

Monday th 4th of February 2008

k904 earned 20XP and 7 gold for KCS - working for an Hour (the day before)

"Mostly swatching. . . "
2008-02-04 14:06:37

k904 earned 10XP and 1 gold for KC - finishing a gauge swatch (double XP) (the day before)

"2 swatches so far. . . . someday I'll get gauge on this project!"
2008-02-04 14:05:55

k904 earned 50XP and 5 gold for KCS - completing a misc project (4 days previously)

"Scarf for DS"
2008-02-04 14:05:27

k904 earned 20XP and 12 gold for KCS - working for an Hour (2 days previously)

2008-02-04 14:04:45

k904 earned 4XP and 1 gold for KC - photographing 5 items of stash for ravelry (double XP)

2008-02-04 14:04:22

k904 earned 4XP and 1 gold for KC - photographing 5 items of stash for ravelry (double XP) (3 days previously)

2008-02-04 14:04:09

Monday th 28th of January 2008

k904 earned 40XP and 8 gold for KCS - working for an Hour (double XP) (the day before)

"Scarf, vest. "
2008-01-28 14:53:00

k904 earned 4XP and 1 gold for KC - photographing 5 items of stash for ravelry (double XP)

2008-01-28 14:52:18

Thursday th 24th of January 2008

k904 earned 20XP and 11 gold for KCS - working for an Hour (3 days previously)

"picked up neck stitches on DH vest"
2008-01-24 15:12:10

k904 earned 20XP and 10 gold for KCS - working for an Hour (the day before)

"mittens, scarf"
2008-01-24 15:11:54

k904 earned 20XP and 8 gold for KCS - working for an Hour (2 days previously)

2008-01-24 15:11:31

k904 earned 2XP and 1 gold for KC-casting on a new project (2 days previously)

"scarf for ds"
2008-01-24 15:11:10

k904 earned 4XP and 1 gold for KC - photographing 5 items of stash for ravelry (double XP)

"FInally put pics on ravlery!!!!!"
2008-01-24 15:10:39

Thursday th 17th of January 2008

k904 earned 40XP and 11 gold for KCS - working for an Hour (double XP) (the day before)

"balaclava, gloves, snowflake cloth"
2008-01-17 08:16:58

k904 earned 10XP and 3 gold for KCS - attending a stitch n' bitch (the day before)

2008-01-17 08:16:24

Tuesday th 15th of January 2008

k904 earned 4XP and 1 gold for KC-casting on a new project (double XP) (the day before)

"gloves for DS and snowflake cloth"
2008-01-15 13:47:08

k904 earned 50XP and 4 gold for KC - dancing with Sir Frogsalot (the day before)

"^$*^%$ pattern - took me 4 tries and 3 cast ons to get past the first row."
2008-01-15 13:46:25

k904 earned 20XP and 6 gold for KCS - working for an Hour (the day before)

"working on too many projects; need to focus!"
2008-01-15 13:44:59

Thursday th 10th of January 2008

k904 earned 15XP and 4 gold for KCS - clearing out the stash (half normal XP) (3 days previously)

"traded sock yarn for a book I've been wanting (more out than in!)"
2008-01-10 12:13:46

k904 earned 20XP and 9 gold for KCS - working for an Hour (the day before)

"at stitch n' bitch"
2008-01-10 12:13:10

k904 earned 10XP and 4 gold for KCS - attending a stitch n' bitch (the day before)

2008-01-10 12:12:54

k904 earned 5XP and 1 gold for KCS - working for 15 minutes

"bus knitting time"
2008-01-10 12:12:26

k904 earned 2XP and 2 gold for KCS - knitting (etc) in public!

"balaclava on bus"
2008-01-10 12:12:04

k904 earned 2XP and 1 gold for KCS - knitting (etc) in public! (2 days previously)

"balaclava on train"
2008-01-10 12:11:48

k904 earned 10XP and 5 gold for KCS - resisting the yarny calling (double XP)

"checked out online yarn sales, didn't buy"
2008-01-10 12:10:52

k904 earned 20XP and 7 gold for KCS - working for an Hour (2 days previously)

"worked on afghan square"
2008-01-10 12:09:36

k904 earned 20XP and 9 gold for KCS - working for an Hour (the day before)

"finished ripping neck on sweater for dh, worked on sleeve cap"
2008-01-10 12:08:06

k904 earned 2XP and 1 gold for KCS - knitting (etc) in public! (the day before)

"balaclava on bus"
2008-01-10 12:07:43

k904 earned 40XP and 4 gold for KCS - working for an Hour (double XP) (the day before)

"work on dragon balaclava for ds"
2008-01-10 12:07:07