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Medallion of Good Playership and 41 gold pieces
McKnitter is an Apprentice of Lime and Violet YARN RAIDERS.

McKnitter - Level 1 Sorcerer

To browse the adventure histories, you must upgrade to a gold account.

Tuesday th 30th of October 2007

McKnitter earned 2XP and 2 gold for KCS - listening to Lime and Violet

"Episode 47"
2007-10-30 14:39:17

McKnitter earned 5XP and 2 gold for KCS - working for 15 minutes (the day before)

"Worked on the Striped Sock"
2007-10-30 14:37:47

McKnitter earned 5XP and 9 gold for KCS - resisting the yarny calling

"I was all the way to putting in a Credit card # before I backed away from the computer..."
2007-10-30 14:36:51

Monday th 29th of October 2007

McKnitter earned 20XP and 9 gold for KCS - working for an Hour (the day before)

"Worked on Striped Sock "
2007-10-29 09:31:33

McKnitter earned 5XP and 2 gold for KCS - stash enhancment acquisitioning (the day before)

"Bought yarn for Ballet Camisole on Knit"
2007-10-29 09:30:47

McKnitter earned 2XP and 1 gold for KCS - knitting (etc) in public! (2 days previously)

"Me and Angie knit @ Panera Bread"
2007-10-29 09:22:48

McKnitter earned 2XP and 1 gold for KCS - knitting (etc) in public!

"Me and Angie knit @ Panera Bread"
2007-10-29 09:21:37

McKnitter earned 10XP and 4 gold for KCS - attending a stitch n' bitch (2 days previously)

"Met up with Angie @ Panera :-)"
2007-10-29 09:20:34

McKnitter earned 2XP and 1 gold for KC-casting on a new project (2 days previously)

"Casted on for Striped Socks."
2007-10-29 09:20:04

McKnitter earned 20XP and 8 gold for KC - trying a new skill (2 days previously)

"I learned Magic Loop."
2007-10-29 09:19:28

Friday th 26th of October 2007

McKnitter earned 2XP and 1 gold for KCS - listening to Lime and Violet

"I caught up on old episodes :-)"
2007-10-26 15:43:12

McKnitter earned 1XP, 2 gold and a Medallion of Good Playership for ALL - reading the directions

"Yay, I had an adventure"
2007-10-26 15:39:45