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really good song and 196 gold pieces
Vom is an Apprentice of Dreamwidth.

Vom - Level 2 Sorcerer

Monday th 20th of August 2012

Vom earned 30XP and 18 gold for dealing with humans not otherwise specified

"made appontment for car, dog, and self. "
2012-08-20 13:39:56

Vom earned 5XP and 1 gold for taking medications as directed

"picked up meds"
2012-08-20 12:13:35

Sunday th 19th of August 2012

Vom earned 25XP and 11 gold for Healing: making an appointment

"got the stupid med refill sent in. "
2012-08-19 17:47:24

Vom earned 30XP and 1 gold for dungeon maintenance not otherwise specified

2012-08-19 17:42:27

Vom earned 10XP and 2 gold for cleaning sink only

2012-08-19 17:42:03

Vom earned 45XP and 18 gold for making dinner

2012-08-19 17:40:40

Wednesday th 15th of August 2012

Vom earned 20XP and 27 gold for sorting stuff to get rid of

2012-08-15 13:13:19

Vom earned 45XP and 24 gold for doing the floors (the day before)

2012-08-15 13:12:25

Vom earned 40XP and 39 gold for doing an entire load of laundry (the day before)

"i even some of it away \o/"
2012-08-15 13:11:14

Vom earned 30XP, 10 gold and a really good song for conquer email backlog

2012-08-15 13:10:52

Vom earned 5XP and 1 gold for taking medications as directed

2012-08-15 13:10:34

Tuesday th 14th of August 2012

Vom earned 25XP and 15 gold for Healing: making an appointment

"spoke with nurse re: scary upcoming appt"
2012-08-14 12:57:29

Vom earned 5XP and 3 gold for taking medications as directed

2012-08-14 09:27:43

Vom earned 35XP and 19 gold for paperwork not otherwise specified

"conquered schedule, am v. tired now"
2012-08-14 08:53:47

Vom earned 30XP and 7 gold for conquer email backlog

2012-08-14 08:22:39